Alberta invests $70M in 11 industrial projects to reduce emissions

The Alberta government is investing $70.2 million in 11 private sector industrial projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs. The funding, from the province’s Climate Leadership Plan, is being provided through Emissions Reduction Alberta’s Industrial Efficiency Challenge, an open call last year to large final emitter industrial facilities in multiple sectors: oil and gas, chemicals and fertilizers, cement and concrete, forestry and agriculture, electricity, and manufacturing. Funding will be distributed on a milestone-by-milestone basis, based on progress reports.

The 11 projects — all first-of-kind demonstrations and deployments — are worth a combined value of $267 million. They include using low-carbon fuels to make cement; recovering heat from a refinery to generate electricity; digital optimization in oil sands production; recovering flue gas energy in a kraft pulp mill; and using a natural gas turbine with battery storage. The projects are expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 5.2 million tonnes (carbon dioxide equivalent) by 2030.
