Applied PeR$pectives

Applied PeR$pectives is a space for the college and institute community to share information and insights about their ongoing work in building innovative capacity among their students, within their communities and across the country. 

Applied PeR$pectives is part of a new initiative by R$ and Colleges and Institute Canada (CICan) to highlight the key role that colleges and institutes are playing in building Canada’s innovation capacity. Read more about the initiative here, and learn more about the leading-edge student projects, state-of-the-art facilities available for use by industry and innovative solutions being co-created by students, faculty and companies in the free booklet Applied Research Comes of Age.

Applied research in support of a resilient and sustainable economic recovery

By working directly with thousands of SMEs and serving as gateways to the innovation ecosystem, colleges and institutes have been able to support many SMEs throughout the pandemic, and will continue to play that role in the months to come.


Access to innovation spurs regional diversification and growth

Cluster development is essential for community survival and development. It can help diversify industry to ensure communities are not overly reliant on one sector, while creating an ecosystem that simultaneously stimulates the growth of Canadian SMEs and attracts international players to the area. A case study of the Sarnia-Lambton region highlights both the necessity of thinking long-term about regional cluster development, and the active part that colleges play in cluster building through efforts such as providing infrastructure, bringing together partners, and providing research and development (R&D) for SMEs.

Published December 12, 2018

Disrupting the status quo – a new approach to partnership

Innovation and collaboration are words we hear and read almost daily – in meetings, in news stories, and in corporate mission and vision statements. Without the partnerships to back them up and actions to make a real difference, they are just words.

Dr. Darren Lawless, Dean, Applied Research & Innovation, Humber College
Published November 6, 2018